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Cocoaheads Hack Day

January 16, 2011

I started a Canberra Cocoaheads last year without much of a sense of how many Canberrans there were with enough of an interest in developing Mac and iOS apps to attend a monthly get-together. In the intervening months I’ve been pleasantly surprised just how many of us there are in Canberra. Each month we’ve had enough people come along to keep the conversations interesting and it seems that interest is only growing – so here’s hoping we have a few more get-togethers this year. Please let me know if you’re interested in continuing to catch up and what sorts of things you’d like to see at future Cocoaheads meetings.

To start things off this year, I thought we could have a Cocoaheads ‘Hack Day’: an opportunity to bring your laptop, code or just ideas along to a Cocoaheads meeting and we could all do a little hacking on the day. Maybe there’ll be someone who can help with a interface/design issue, maybe you want a few tips about how to use GCD and blocks (I’m loving blocks at the moment!). If this sounds fun/useful please come along. We’ll be meeting at Icelab (thanks guys) from 3:00 PM this Friday. So feel free to stop by anytime from then. Come at 3 if you can, or stop in after work if that suits you better.

Cocoaheads ‘Hack Day’
Friday 21 January
From 3:00 PM
Icelab Secret Headquarters
Unit 3, 1 Gordon St, Canberra City (New Acton)

Please RSVP in the comments below as I’m sure the Icelab guys might like to know how many of us are going to invade their secret headquarters. Also, if you’ve got something you think you might like to hack on feel free to describe it briefly so we’ve all got a bit of an idea who’ll be working on what and who we might like to chat to on the day.

From → Cocoaheads

  1. Malte Stien permalink

    I will be there; I don’t really have anything to share at the moment. I might just come along, meet you all and sniff around a bit πŸ˜‰

  2. Malte,

    Great – see you Friday.

  3. I’ll be there. πŸ™‚

  4. I would love to come along but unfortunately I’m about 3 months behind on a project (yay shifting priorities) and trying to cram everything into one week….

    I’ll be up for the next meetup though (breakfast…?)


  5. Karl Goiser permalink

    Thanks Jake!

    I’ll try to be there.

  6. Bugger, previous plans. Hopefully I will be able to stop in for at least a few minutes.

  7. Dean permalink

    I’m in.

  8. Andrey permalink

    hope next time…

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