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Canberra Cocoaheads Breakfast

November 16, 2010

Who’s interested in a Canberra Cocoaheads breakfast this month?

Canberra Cocoaheads is a regular informal gathering of people who are interested in developing applications, content, web sites etc using or targetting Apple technologies. While we talk about Cocoa at times, we’re also interested in other technologies – and the less technical, more people-focussed aspects of developing sites or applications. Anyone who shares any of these interests is most welcome to come along.

This month I thought we could have breakfast to allow for those people who mightn’t be able to make it to an evening event. So, if you’d like to come along please RSVP by leaving a comment below. If you know someone who might be interested, please feel free to tell them about it.

8:30 AM Thursday 18th November
Urban Food Store and Café
Edinburgh Avenue
Acton ACT 2601, Australia

I realise that the morning won’t suit everyone either, so next month we may revert back to an evening gathering.

From → Cocoaheads

  1. I’ll be there 🙂

  2. Matthew Savage permalink

    I’ll be dragging myself out of bed and coming down. I’ve seen a few of you guys at Cream (Jake, Keith) and I wouldn’t mind actually saying hello and so on.

    I’m working on learning the iOS stuff, but I seem to be swamped with a lot of other work so its a slow process…

    Either way, I’m in 🙂

  3. Karl Goiser permalink

    I’ll try to be there.

  4. I’d love to make it but I’ll be in Sydney

    next time


  5. Thanks for the invite Jake, was good to come along this morning and talk about the mobile website I’m designing for the Human Services Portfolio … even though it’s not as sexy as the apps you guys get to work on but it’s still an important project.

    Collectively, the Medicare and Centrelink websites are predicted to get (adjusted for growth) close to half a million visits from mobile devices over the next 12 months, with 85% from Apple devices so it will be great to provide a dedicated mobile website to meet their needs rather than shoving 500kb of content optimised for 1024 down only a small screen.

    Of course it’s not just about adjusting for the small screen format. Our research includes discovering what people who are ‘on the go’ are likely to expect from their mobile device as the needs of such users differ from those who are at home on their main desktop computer.

    The two big topics which I anticipated and were supported by the research was a phone directory and being able to locate the nearest office/shopfront.

    And obviously I need to find out what the hell this Cocoa is!

  6. Matthew Savage permalink

    Thanks for organising this breakfast Jake – it was nice to come and meet some of you guys, though I am sorry for turning up late (Kinda forgot that I might have been driving in peak hour traffic…).

    Hopefully I’ll can come along to more of these things and get to know you guys a bit more (I know I failed to introduce myself to some of you guys – sorry about that, I’ll do better next time!).


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